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At Home™ Drug Test | Drugs of Abuse Information

Some Commonly Abused Drugs

Amphetamine Amphetamines are central nervous stimulants whose effects include alertness, wakefulness, increased energy, reduced hunger and an overall feeling of well being. Large doses and long term usage can result in higher tolerance levels and dependency.

Cocaine Cocaine is made from coca leaves. Its effects include alertness, wakefulness, increased energy and an overall feeling of euphoria. Cocaine may be smoked, inhaled ("snorted") or injected. Cocaine can be a very addictive drug.

Methamphetamine Methamphetamine is a stimulant drug. It is used in pill form, or in powdered form by snorting or injecting. Crystallized methamphetamine is a smokable and more powerful form of the drug. Some of the effects of methamphetamine use include: increased heart rate, wakefulness, physical activity and decreased appetite. Methamphetamine use can cause irreversible damage to the brain, producing strokes and convulsions, which can lead to death.

Opiates Opiates are any of the addictive narcotic drugs. The opiates include drugs such as morphine, heroin and codeine. Opiates can reduce attention, sensory and motor abilities.

THC (marijuana) Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is an active component in marijuana. Marijuana is commonly taken by smoking, but it may also be eaten. Marijuana may impair learning and coordination abilities. Low concentrations of THC persists in urine at a detectable concentration for many days after smoking.

Common street names for drugs:

Amphetamine Speed, amp, bennie, black beauties, chalk
Methamphetamine Crystal, meth, ice, glass, speed
Cocaine Coke, snow, flake, crack, blow, rock
Marijuana Pot, weed, herb, bud, MJ, doobie,
reefer, joints, blunts, grass
Opiates (heroin) Horse, smack, hairy hombre, H, scag, jones





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